Lt. Col Sarah "Mac" MackenzieMac Bio: Character Background
Lt.Col Sarah Mackenzie, or Mac, as she is often called, first appeared in JAG's 2nd season as a Major Sarah Mackenzie in the episode "We The People". She was brought to JAG while defending her uncle, Colonel Matthew O'Hara who had stolen the Declaration of Independence. In this Season 2 opener, Clayton Webb is also introduced for the first time as he brought Mac over to JAG to assist in the investigation.
Since then she has been working with the star of the show Cmdr Harmon Rabb Jr. for seven seasons (including Season 8). She was recommended for accelerated promotion by Admiral AJ Chegwidden. She received her silver oak leaves and was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in "King of the Greenie Board". (Season 5).
For a woman, she has done very well in the Marine Corps, advancing further than most officers, and becoming a Lt.Col before many of her peers. She has made it as the Chief of Staff at JAG and has taken over as Acting JAG in the Admiral's absence. ("Baby, It's Cold Outside"-S6).
But it had not been easy. Her tough exterior hides a sad past. She had an abusive childhood ("Second Sight"-S4) with an alcoholic father and her mother that abandoned young Sarah.
Mac is not completely without flaws, and was an alcoholic unfortunately. In "We the People", she tells Harm that she hasn't had a drink since she was 19. Thanks to Uncle Matt who took her to 'dry out' in the desert recalled Mac as she told Harm ("Full Engagement"). She fell off the wagon, once, in "The Stalker", after Dalton died.
Mac's Ribbons & Marksmanship Badges
She dated Dalton Lowne, a civilian lawyer during the 3rd season. She left JAG ("Impact") to join his law firm,
Lowell, Hanson, and Lowne, but she returned when she realizes that she misses the action at JAG.
There was a hint that Mac was involved with her CO, Col. Farrow when she was stationed in Okinawa
("The Good Of The Service"-S3). This was later confirmed ("Mr Rabb Goes To Washington", "People vs Mac"-S4)
where an article 32 hearing was brought up against Mac. In the fifth season, she was pursued by Lt. Commander
Mic Brumby of the Royal Australian Navy. After only one date, he proposed in Boomerang II. Mic moved back to
Washington, resigning his commision, 'to be closer to the woman I love.' ("Surface Warfare"-S5) Mac finally decided
to accept his proposal 10 months later. ("Touch & Go"-S6) However on the eve of their wedding, Harm's plane crashed into the Atlantic as he tried to get back on time for his best friend's wedding. The wedding never happened as Mic decided to return back to Australia due to his doubts of Mac's love for him.
Mac lives up to her Marine credo. Besides being an expert marksman, she is also able to strip down an M-16 in 16
Her hobbies include palenteology ("JAG TV"-S6) and she also participates in the Big Sister's program where she plays
mentor to Chloe Madison. ("Jaggle Bells"-S4)
Mac is fluent in Russian, Farsi, and a little Japanese as well (she was once stationed at Okinawa). Her grandmother had
Iranian roots ("The Princess and the Petty Officer"), so that is how she picked up Farsi. Russian has been a useful
language especially in Harm's search for his father ("To Russia With Love", "Gypsy Eyes") and a great deal of
set-in-Russia storylines. ("Legacy 1 & 2" etc)
For more information on Lt. Col Sarah Mackenzie which includes upcoming Seasons 7 & 8 spoilers.